The Total Cat Care app is the ultimate android app for everything related to your cat's health and wellbeing.The Total Cat Care app contains a number of sections for your cat's health including information on car care techniques, common health issues, homemade cat food recipes and 20 video clips explaining and answering a number of common cat questions.Cats are so remarkably self-reliant and independent that many people don’t really think much about their care, aside from feeding and the occasional cuddle. Yet domesticated cats can be quite dependent on their owners for a healthy, happy life.There are some very simple things you can do to help keep your cat’s health at optimum levels, at the same time as ensuring he is content with his living arrangements within your home.These things can include providing the right food, the right environment to facilitate good bathroom etiquette and the right kind of stimulation to keep your cat safe, healthy, active and alert.Of course, your cat will enjoy nothing more than being allowed to curl up on your lap whenever possible for a good cuddle and some quality time together. This can be an important bonding time for you and your cat, but it also keeps him reassured that he’s still loved and still considered part of the family.The Total Cat Care app will give you some insight into simple, but effective, ways to ensure your cat is happy and healthy, both inside and out.